Wednesday 23 April 2014

Online colic clinic

One of the hardest parts of having a new baby has to be trying to work out why your little one is crying. Not just for first time parents either. Those of us with more than one child still need to work out what those tears mean as each baby is so very different.


I am thankful that none of our boys have really been the type of baby who cries endlessly. A friend of mine had a baby around the same time as one of my boys who would cry for hours on end.


One of the most common reasons for such crying is Colic, with as many as 1 in 4 babies suffering from it.


Only one of our boys suffered from colic, our 3rd boy, David (8), although he didn't suffer too badly from it. I think his was partly down to how greedily he would guzzle down his feeds! By using Infacol his colic was soon sorted out quite simply.


Infacol is apparently the UK's biggest selling colic remedy, and they have just launched a very helpful web app to help parents find answers at


I was sent a wee box of goodies as a thank you for trying out the website and helping to spread the word.




The website has a list of the most commonly asked questions about colic that parents can work through to get answers or there is also the option of typing in your own questions. It has the advantage of being available to parents 24/7 and parents can get advice in the evening, when colic is usually at its worst and the doctors surgery is closed.


It's a great idea to help reassure parents and to help give answers and advice at all hours. They don't pretend that the app is a substitute for medical advice, rather that it is used to give parents the information they need about colic and how to help their baby get some relief.


I also liked that in the section on tips for parents they didn't suggest giving Infacol as the number one thing to do, but give helpful links for baby massage as well as listing foods that breast feeding mums should perhaps try avoiding first.


I would be happy to point new parents to the website before the need for it arises. Then if they do need some advice for a baby who fusses a lot they would know where to go to for a little advice.





  1. Well, I would have to say this stuff was worth its weight in gold to us with our first-born (now at Uni!). It has a cumulative effect and we were religious in not missing a dose!

  2. Ugh my first son had colic not fun!! It really helps having a good support system when that happens!! Enjoy your goodies ~Heather


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